
ChatGPT正在改变世界创造历史 2023年注定是人工智能应用元年 1






以及ChatGPT跟Elon Musk和微软之间的关系

OpenAI是一家由Elon Musk和其他知名投资人创办的人工智能公司,而ChatGPT是该公司的一种自然语言处理技术。微软是OpenAI的合作伙伴,在技术、资金和人力等方面对公司提供了支持。

总的来说,OpenAI、ChatGPT、Elon Musk和微软之间是合作伙伴和合作关系,他们在技术、资金和人力等方面进行了有效的合作,以促进人工智能技术的发展。


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I am going to pick up my friends at Pearson Airport tomorrow, and I will miss Professor Andrew’s class . Can you draft an absence letter for me?


Certainly, here is a draft for an absence letter:

Dear Professor Andrew,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend your class tomorrow due to a prior commitment. I have to pick up some friends from Pearson Airport and this will take up the entire day.

I understand the importance of attending classes and I do not take this absence lightly. I have reviewed the course material and will make every effort to catch up on any missed work. I would be grateful if you could provide me with any additional assignments or materials I may have missed during my absence.

I am committed to my education and I hope this absence will not negatively impact my progress in your class. I will make sure to attend the next class and I appreciate your understanding.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]




As a foreign single-member owner of an LLC registered last year in Wyoming, I did make any money and generate any transactions, do I need to pay the tax? which types of tax forms should I fill out?


As a foreign single-member owner of an LLC registered in Wyoming, you may still be required to file tax returns even if you did not generate any income or transactions. The specific tax forms you need to file and the amount of tax you owe will depend on a number of factors, including the type of LLC, your tax residency, and the type of income generated.

In general, single-member LLCs are considered as a “disregarded entity” for tax purposes and the business income is reported on your personal tax return (Form 1040) through Schedule C (for sole proprietorships) or Schedule E (for rental income).

It’s advisable to consult a tax professional or a tax attorney who can help you navigate the complex tax laws and regulations, and ensure that you are in compliance with all tax obligations.

Please note that the information provided here is not intended as tax advice and is based on general information. For accurate tax information and guidance, it is recommended to seek the advice of a licensed tax professional.

似乎还不够,再问一些:What tax do I need to fill out in Wyoming as a foreign LLC?


As a foreign single-member LLC owner registered in Wyoming, you may be required to file various tax returns, depending on your business activities and tax obligations.

For federal tax purposes, you may need to file a personal income tax return (Form 1040) and report your business income on Schedule C (for sole proprietorships) or Schedule E (for rental income).

In addition, you may be required to pay self-employment taxes if you are considered a self-employed individual.

Wyoming does not have a state personal income tax, so you will not be required to pay state income tax in Wyoming. However, you may be required to file other types of tax returns, such as sales tax returns, if your business activities are subject to sales tax.

It is important to consult with a tax professional or tax attorney to determine your specific tax obligations and to ensure that you are in compliance with all tax laws and regulations.

Please note that the information provided here is not intended as tax advice and is based on general information. For accurate tax information and guidance, it is recommended to seek the advice of a licensed tax professional.


显然,对于这些基础问题,ChatGPT可以给出很实用且标准的建议。那么我们再来让ChatGPT帮助我们优化优化 Google SEO.

需要感谢一些天才,他们制作了一款ChatGPT的辅助插件,大幅提高了工作效率。比如下面这款AIPRM for ChatGPT浏览器插件。

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ChatGPT正在改变世界创造历史 2023年注定是人工智能应用元年 4

以amazon product review writer为例,我们在亚马逊上随意找了一款产品,比如这款Puppy Toys玩具 在输入5个亮点后,ChatGPT给出了一片完整的文章。

The Enriched Dog Toy Pack is a 20-piece set designed to meet the needs of puppies and small-medium dogs. It includes 7 rope toys, 4 rubber toys, 3 training toys, 2 plush squeaky toys, and a storage basket, making it a comprehensive set that covers various aspects of a dog’s life. The rope toys can be used for interactive games, the rubber toys for teething, and the training toys for habit training. Additionally, the plush squeaky toys serve as companions for the dogs when they are alone.

The dog toy pack also prioritizes the dog’s oral health by providing chew toys made from organic cotton and non-toxic materials. These toys help dogs relieve stress, clean their teeth, and protect household furniture from being chewed on. The storage basket is a high-quality bin that helps keep the home tidy and encourages dogs to develop good habits of returning their toys after playing. The pack even includes additional dog poop disposal tools for convenient puppy outings.

It is important to note that the dog toys are rigorously tested for quality and safety, but they may not be suitable for aggressive chewers. Supervised play and timely replacement of broken toys is recommended. The toys cannot be ingested, and if a dog breaks a toy and ingests the stuffing, it should be dealt with promptly. The manufacturer provides excellent customer service and is ready to address any questions or concerns.

Overall, the Enriched Dog Toy Pack is a great investment for dog owners looking to provide their furry friends with a variety of entertainment options and promote their physical and mental well-being.

ChatGPT的语言能力, 比大多数中国人的英语要好的多,语法正确,语句通顺,容易读懂。是否有些惊讶,借助ChatGPT,你的产品文案的工作效率和质量将大幅提升。


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